Private Instruction |
• MUS 183 - Organ (1.5 Cr.)
• MUS 184 - Harpsichord (1.5 Cr.)
• MUS 186 - Guitar (1.5 Cr.)
• MUS 187 - Accordion (1.5 Cr.)
• MUS 236 - The Technique of Vocal Conducting (1.5 Cr.)
• MUS 237 - The Technique of Instrumental Conducting (1.5 Cr.)
• MUS 238 - Jazz Composition (1.5 Cr.)
Music as Needed The following courses are not offered on a rotating basis, but are available to meet the interests and needs of students in their course of study. The semester in which a course is offered will be published in the schedule of classes for that semester. Students are invited to consult with the department about the scheduling of any particular course. |
• MUS 203 - Special Topics in Music (3 Cr.)
Peace Studies |
• PCE 110 - Introduction to Peace Studies (3 Cr.)
• PCE 120 - Community Service Agencies: Building a Just and Peaceful World (4 Cr.)
• PCE 124 - Being Human (3 Cr.)
• PCE 125 - Topics in Conflict Resolution (3 Cr.)
• PCE 131 - Community Performance for Peace, Conflict, and Dialogue (3 Cr.)
• PCE 148 - Nonviolence in America (4 Cr.)
• PCE 205 - Maintaining the Status Quo: Power and Privilege in the United States (4 Cr.)
• PCE 210 - Research Methods for Peace and Justice (4 Cr.)
• PCE 220 - Nonprofits in the Community (4 Cr.)
• PCE 231 - Special Topics in International Film and Literature (3 Cr.)
• PCE 241 - Issues in Conflict Resolution (3 Cr.)
• PCE 242 - Peace Practice: Transformation of Self and World (4 Cr.)
• PCE 251 - Human Rights (3 Cr.)
• PCE 257 - Gandhi (3 Cr.)
• PCE 262 - Indians in the United States (3 Cr.)
• PCE 268 - Leadership for Change (4 Cr.)
• PCE 272Y - Intensive Course Abroad (8 Cr.)
• PCE 285 - Comparative Peace Traditions (3 Cr.)
• PCE 290 - Individually Identified Internship (3 OR 4 Cr.)
• PCE 291 - Internship: City Schools Program (3 Cr.)
• PCE 299 - Independent Work (1.5-3 Cr.)
• PCE 305 - Peace and Rewriting (4 Cr.)
• PCE 310 - International Human Rights Law (4 Cr.)
• PCE 320 - Identity and Conflict (3 Cr.)
• PCE 325 - HIV/AIDS: Tearing the Social Fabric (3 Cr.)
• PCE 340 - Special Topics in U.S. and International Peace Studies (3 Cr.)
• PCE 345 - Topics in Peace Studies: Country Study (3 Cr.)
• PCE 380 - Senior Symposium (4 Cr.)
• PCE 399 - Independent Work (4 Cr.)
Philosophy |
• PHL 105 - Personal and Community Ethics (3 Cr.)
• PHL 115 - Race, Gender, and Sexuality (3 Cr.)
• PHL 120 - Introduction to Analytic Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 157 - Individual, Community, Cosmos (3 Cr.)
• PHL 176 - Logic (3 Cr.)
• PHL 205 - Environmental Ethics (3 Cr.)
• PHL 212 - Philosophy and Art (3 Cr.)
• PHL 215 - Philosophy and Science (3 Cr.)
• PHL 216 - Modern Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 217 - Contemporary Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 218 - Philosophy of Time (3 Cr.)
• PHL 219 - Nineteenth Century Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 220 - Phenomenology (3 Cr.)
• PHL 222 - Judaism and Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 223 - Twentieth Century Analytic Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 224 - Existentialism: Philosophy and Theater (3 Cr.)
• PHL 226 - Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 227 - Neoplatonism: the Perennial Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 228 - Philosophy and the Animal (3 Cr.)
• PHL 231 - Political Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 237 - Queer Theory (3 Cr.)
• PHL 245 - Critical Race Theory (3 Cr.)
• PHL 254 - Biomedical Ethics (3 Cr.)
• PHL 257 - Philosophy and the Machine (3 Cr.)
• PHL 260 - Ancient Greek Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 268 - Chinese Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 272Y - Intensive Course Abroad ()
• PHL 275 - Epistemology (3 Cr.)
• PHL 276 - Feminist Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 280 - Archaeology of Language (3 Cr.)
• PHL 290 - Internship in Philosophy (3-4 Cr.)
• PHL 298 - Independent Work in Philosophy (1.5-4 Cr.)
• PHL 322 - Theories of Religion (3 Cr.)
• PHL 330 - Nietzsche (3 Cr.)
• PHL 332 - Foucault (3 Cr.)
• PHL 333 - Kant (3 Cr.)
• PHL 336 - Heidegger (3 Cr.)
• PHL 337 - Descartes (3 Cr.)
• PHL 338 - Derrida (3 Cr.)
• PHL 339 - Lyotard (3 Cr.)
• PHL 365 - Plato (3 Cr.)
• PHL 395 - Philosophical Topics (3 Cr.)
• PHL 398 - Independent Work in Philosophy (1.5-4 Cr.)
Physics Courses at the introductory level in physics are planned to meet various needs. PHY 115 and PHY 116 are designed to give a general survey of physics, with emphasis on physical reasoning rather than mathematical analysis, and they are intended for students who plan to major in the life sciences, enter the health professions, or teach in elementary schools. PHY 125 and PHY 126 are more comprehensive and are intended for students who plan to major or minor in physics, major in the physical sciences or mathematics, or enter the 3+2 Engineering Program. |
• PHY 115 - Principles of Physics I (4 Cr.)
• PHY 116 - Principles of Physics II (4 Cr.)
• PHY 125 - General Physics I (4 Cr.)
• PHY 126 - General Physics II (4 Cr.)
• PHY 142 - Principles of Physics I (4 Cr.)
• PHY 143 - Principles of Physics II (4 Cr.)
• PHY 220 - Modern Physics (4 Cr.)
• PHY 230 - Intermediate Physics Laboratory (2 Cr.)
• PHY 250 - Energy, Physics, and the Environment (3 Cr.)
• PHY 280 - Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences (4 Cr.)
• PHY 290 - Internship in Physics (3-4 Cr.)
• PHY 300 - Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics (3 Cr.)
• PHY 301 - Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory (3 Cr.)
• PHY 310 - Electronics/Instrumentation (3 Cr.)
• PHY 330 - Special Topics in Contemporary Physics (3 Cr.)
• PHY 340 - Classical Mechanics (3 Cr.)
• PHY 350 - Quantum Mechanics (3 Cr.)
• PHY 395 - Independent Work in Physics (1.5-4 Cr.)
Political Science All 100- and 200-level courses fulfill social sciences, except internships, independent work, and PSC 272Y. |
• PSC 100 - Understanding Politics (3 Cr.)
• PSC 140 - Introduction to Environmental Studies (3 Cr.)
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