Goucher College 2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Oct 23, 2024  
Goucher College 2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.


The Admissions Committee seeks applications from students who have the ability to succeed in Goucher’s rigorous liberal arts curriculum and who will contribute positively to the vibrant and diverse campus community. The college is especially well suited to students who are looking for both a challenge and personal attention from professors, are interested in discussion and debate, are eager to explore many fields of knowledge in different cultural settings, and are willing to pursue and attend formal activities outside the classroom.

In Goucher’s selective and highly individualized review process, members of the Admissions Committee read every application thoroughly. Admissions officers pay particular attention to evidence of academic ability, preparation, and promise, as well as to evidence of intellectual curiosity and excitement for the spirit of intellectual pursuits. The most important factors in assessing a student’s academic preparation for Goucher are curriculum rigor and intensity, and performance in college preparatory courses. First-year candidates must be on track to earn a secondary school diploma. Home-educated students without an accredited secondary school diploma or GED must provide formal documentation upon completion of a home school program approved by the state or local board of education. Admissions essays are important, and personal qualities, special talents, and extracurricular and employment activities are also considered in the admissions process.

Goucher College has adopted an admissions test-optional program, where test score (SAT Reasoning Test and ACT with writing) submission is optional when applying for admission to the college. When completing the Common Application supplement for Goucher College, applicants will be asked to indicate their preference for use of test scores in determining admission. Applicants can elect to have previously submitted test scores used in the process of determining admission, or may elect not to have submitted scores used to determine admission. However, test scores must be submitted to be considered for merit scholarship consideration. Merit scholarship decisions are made, in part, based on test scores. Finally, test scores for enrolled students must be on file prior to matriculation. Goucher will use enrolled students’ test scores for research, placement, and academic counseling.

Goucher practices primarily need-blind admissions, which means that the vast majority of decisions are made without regard to the candidate’s financial situation. Students who believe they need financial assistance to attend Goucher are therefore encouraged to submit the FAFSA and CSS Profile.

Goucher subscribes to the Statement of Principles of Good Practice, established by the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC). Goucher admits students of any age, race, sex, color, religion, and national or ethnic origin and does not discriminate on the basis of disability or sexual orientation.


Applying for Admission to The First-Year Class

The information gathered in the Application for Admission enables the Admissions Committee to learn about a candidate’s record of academic achievements, interests and talents, as well as personal accomplishments. Goucher honors receipt of the Common Application , and students must complete and submit the Goucher College supplement to the Common Application, available on the Common Application website.

Required Documents for First-Year Admission Consideration

A complete application consists of the following documents (international and home-educated students, please see additional guidelines below):

  • Common Application and supplement, including nonrefundable $55 fee (or officially recognized College Board/NACAC fee waiver), and applicant’s signature.
  • An essay (500-word minimum) chosen from topics listed on the Common Application.
  • Secondary School Report or College Adviser Evaluation with letter of recommendation.
  • Cumulative (grade 9 forward) official high school transcript(s) with listing of courses in progress. Secondary school graduates’ transcripts must list date of graduation
  • Senior grades from the first quarter, trimester, or semester. (Students who submit an application before quarter, trimester, or semester grades are available should include a listing of courses in progress.)
  • Teacher evaluation from at least one person who has taught the applicant in an academic subject (math, English, history, laboratory science, foreign language).

Secondary School Preparation

The quality of courses as well as achievement is extremely important in preparing for Goucher. Sound preparation includes at least 17 units of college preparatory subjects. Most successful applicants exceed this academic subject unit minimum. Since Goucher’s curriculum requires a distribution of subjects over a wide range of academic fields, the applicant’s high school program should include the following:


English 4 units
Mathematics 4 units, including algebra I, geometry, algebra II
Foreign language 2 units of the same language
Laboratory sciences 3 units, preferably including biology and chemistry
Social sciences 3 units

Each unit is equivalent to one year of study.

Application Entrance Plans

Early Decision

Candidates who identify Goucher College as their top choice are encouraged to apply under the Early Decision entrance plan. This is a binding admission option, and students admitted under this entrance plan are required to withdraw all other college applications, and are expected to enroll at Goucher. There are two Early Decision admissions deadlines:

Early Decision I: application postmarked by November 15, notification mailed on December 15, $500 nonrefundable enrollment deposit and declaration of intent due by January 15.

Early Decision II: application postmarked by January 15, notification mailed on  February 15, $500 nonrefundable enrollment deposit and declaration of intent due by March 15.

Early Action

Candidates who consider Goucher among their top choices may apply under the Early Action entrance plan. Applicants who submit a complete Early Action application postmarked by December 1 will be mailed notification of the outcome of admission consideration on  February 1. The Early Action entrance plan is non-binding. Students accepted under Early Action have until May 1 to return the Declaration of Intent and nonrefundable $500 enrollment deposit.

Regular Decision

The Regular Decision application deadline for the fall semester is February 1. The Admissions Committee mails  notification of the outcome of admission consideration  on  April 1, and in some cases as early as mid-March. Students accepted under the Regular Decision entrance plan have until May 1 to return the Declaration of Intent and nonrefundable $500 enrollment deposit. Students whose  application and supporting materials are not submitted by February 1, or remain incomplete, may not receive notification until after April 1.


Requirements for Selected Applicants

Deferred Admission

Admitted students may defer admission for one academic year. To do so, students must submit written notification of their intent to defer, a nonrefundable $500 enrollment deposit, and a signed Declaration of Intent. Recipients of selected merit-based scholarships who defer their admission can retain their scholarship only by not matriculating at another institution during their deferral period. Scholarship recipients who attempt college coursework during the one-year deferment may forfeit the scholarship. Any admitted secondary school graduate who defers and attempts college courses elsewhere will be considered a transfer applicant.

Early Admission

Goucher College will review applications from students with outstanding academic records who have completed fewer than eight semesters of secondary school. Early admission applicants may only submit their application for consideration under the Regular Decision program. These students are recommended  to arrange  an on-campus interview.

Home-Educated Students

Students who are home-educated must present the following documents  for admission consideration:

  • Common Application and Goucher supplement,  nonrefundable $55 fee (or officially recognized College Board/ NACAC fee waiver), and applicant’s signature.
  • Home-Educated Transcript, including a description of the educational program, a listing of courses taken, as well as grades and/or progress reports from ninth grade onward. Applicants without a formal transcript are encouraged to use the Common Application Home School Supplement to indicate academic readiness for Goucher College.
  • Two letters of recommendation, from teachers, employers, coaches, or community service leaders who are not immediate family members.
  • An essay (500-word minimum) chosen from topics listed on the Common Application.
  • An on-campus admissions interview is strongly recommended.

In addition to confirming a student’s continued academic success throughout the final year of study, a final transcript is required for students wishing to be considered for federal financial aid. For home-educated students without a GED or a final transcript from an accredited curriculum, formal documentation is required indicating completion of a home school curriculum approved by the state or local board of education.

International Students

Applicants who will require an F-1 visa to study at Goucher College are required to submit the following in addition to all required documents previously indicated:

  • Declaration of Finances Form (available on Goucher’s website) and a certified bank statement: In order for Goucher to sponsor an F-1 student visa, documentation is required indicating ability to fund a Goucher education over a period of four years.
  • TOEFL or IELTS exam results for applicants who are nonnative speakers of English: the Admissions Committee expects a minimum score of 80 on the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) exam, 550 on paper-based exam, or 213 on computer-based exam. The IELTS exam is also accepted; a minimum score of 6.5 is necessary. Students who have been enrolled in a secondary school where English is the primary language of instruction are exempt from the TOEFL or IELTS exams.
  • CSS Profile: students wishing to be considered for institutional need-based aid must file this document. Please note that international students are not eligible for federal or state financial aid.

Reactivating an Existing Application

Previous applicants who wish to reactivate their admission file may do so within two years. This request must be made, in writing, to the Director of Admissions. Students who submit a letter or email by March 1 will be considered for the following fall semester.  Please contact the admissions office for information about reactivating an application for spring semester enrollment.

Spring Semester Admission

First-year students may apply for admission for the spring semester. The priority deadline for submitting the completed application is December 1, and notification is rolling thereafter. Once notified of admission to Goucher, students accepted for the spring semester have approximately two weeks to submit their declaration of intent and nonrefundable $500 enrollment deposit.


Applying for Admission as a Transfer Student

Goucher seeks applications from qualified transfer students who have attended regionally accredited colleges and universities or international institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education in that country.

Required Documents for Transfer Admission Consideration (please note special requirements for Goucher II applicants)

The Admissions Committee considers a transfer application complete for review when the following documents have been received:

  • Common Application and Goucher supplement, including nonrefundable $55 fee (or officially recognized College Board/NACAC fee waiver), and applicant’s signature.
  • An essay (500-word minimum) chosen from topics listed on the Common Application.
  • Official college transcripts from all academic institutions attended. Applicants with fewer than 30 credits (or the equivalent of at least one year of full-time college course work) should submit official high school transcripts. A Goucher online math placement exam may be required. Applicants currently enrolled in academic courses should send an additional transcript immediately following the completion of the semester.
  • Letter of recommendation from a professor or teacher who has taught the applicant in an academic subject. The letter must be submitted on official letterhead and signed.
  • International transfer applicants requesting an F-1 visa must also submit additional documentation as outlined under first-year requirements.

Fall Semester Admission

The priority deadline for submitting an application for the fall semester is May 1, although the Admissions Committee will continue to review applications throughout May, June, and July.  . Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, and if accepted, applicants must return their declaration of intent with a nonrefundable enrollment deposit of $500, typically within two weeks of  notification of admission.

Spring Semester Admission

The priority deadline for submitting an application for the spring semester is December 1, and admissions notification is on a rolling basis. All applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. If accepted, students must return their declaration of intent with a nonrefundable enrollment deposit of $500, typically within two weeks of admissions notification. Complete applications received after December 1, and applications that require consideration of current semester college or university course work, will be reviewed in early January. In some cases, it is possible to consider late applications; however,  applicants are advised that submitting all required materials at the same time will speed the review process, and if admission is offered, enable a smooth enrollment transition.

Requirements for Goucher II Applicants

(Adult undergraduate degree program for those 24 years of age or older)

Because of the unique nature of the Goucher II program, admissions requirements are slightly modified. An application is considered complete for review with both the submitted Common Application and Goucher supplement, in addition to the following items:

  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals who know the applicant well enough to give an informed opinion about intellectual ability and capacity for sustained effort.
  • A personal interview with the Director of the Goucher II program. To arrange an interview, applicants must schedule an appointment by telephone at 410-337-6200.
  • Official copy of high school transcript indicating graduation (if the applicant has completed fewer than 27 college credits), and college transcript(s).

A student who enters Goucher at traditional age but leaves the college without having completed their undergraduate degree may apply to the Goucher II program only when  the student has reached the age of 24, and if four years (or eight semesters) have elapsed since most recent enrollment at Goucher. Students admitted to the Goucher II program in either the fall or spring semester will receive a declaration of intent with their offer of admission and must return it with a nonrefundable enrollment deposit of $150.


Credit from Programs and Other Institutions

All credit evaluations are completed by the Office of the Registrar. Questions regarding evaluation of previously earned credit should be directed to the Registrar’s Office at 410-337-6090.

Pre-college Coursework and Examinations

Official copies of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, French Baccalaureate, German Arbitur, or the General Certificate of Education A-level test scores may be submitted to Goucher for first-time post-secondary credit and/or placement consideration. Evaluation and awarding of credit will be completed by the College Registrar and the appropriate academic department(s).




Advanced Placement (AP)

Goucher College recognizes AP exam score results of 4-5. Official AP scores must be sent directly from the College Board to Goucher (code 5257) before credit may be applied toward a program of study. The chart on page 17 indicates the various courses and associated scores required to receive credit at Goucher, as well as any courses and general education requirements satisfied by the AP coursework. For additional information on Goucher’s curriculum, please review the section on General Education Requirements  or Liberal Education Requirements.

Academic Area AP Examination AP Grade Goucher Credit Course Exemption Notes
Art History of Art 4 or 5 3 None  
Studio Art See notes. Students can request a portfolio review from the Art Dept.
Biology Biology 4 or 5 3 Pending department approval. It is not automatic. No automatic exemption for BIO 104 /BIO 105  for students continuing in Biology. Credit may be given toward the 40-credit major requirement on a case-by-case basis. Exemption is determined by the course instructor, with departmental approval, based on submission of AP Biology syllabus and high school lab book. Exemption from the Gen Ed #6 and LER-NS requirement is based on (1) a 4 or 5 in AP Biology and, (2) an AP Biology course with a laboratory component deemed appropriate by the chair of the Biological Sciences Department.
Chemistry Chemistry 5 6 CHE 111  & CHE 151  A grade of 5 allows exemption from the lecture portion of first and second semester Intro to Chemistry lecture. Fulfills GER #6 and LER-NS after completing CHE 112  or CHE 112H .
Chemistry 5 7 or 8 CHE 111  & CHE 151  Plus CHE 112 / CHE 112H  &/or CHE 152 / CHE 152H  upon approval of instructor as judged from HS lab notebooks Fulfills GER #6 and LER-NS.
Chemistry 4 3 CHE 111  A grade of 4 allows exemption from the lecture portion of first semester Intro to Chemistry lecture. Fulfills GER #6 after completing CHE 112  or CHE 112H .
Chemistry 4 4 CHE 111  & CHE 112  upon approval of instructor as judged from HS lab notebook. Fulfills GER #6
Computer Science Computer Science A 4 or 5 3 CS 116  Places into CS 119 
Computer Science AB 4 or 5 3 CS 119  See department for placement.
Economics Macroeconomics 4 or 5 3 EC 102  Fulfills GER #10 and LER-SSC.
Microeconomics 4 or 5 3 EC 101  Fulfills GER #10 and LER-SSC.






Environmental Science

Eng. Literature and Composition 4 or 5 3 None  

Eng. Language and Composition

Environmental Science

4 or 5



4 or 5








Pending Department Approval. It is not automatic.

Exemption comes only from writing placement exam.



Fulfills Gen. Ed. #11 and LER-ES.

US History 4 or 5 3 None Students who become majors may be exempt from relevant history courses and satisfy appropriate 100-level departmental requirements, but no credit given for particular courses.
European 4 or 5 3 None See above.
World 4 or 5 3 None See above.
Languages French Language 4 or 5 4 See chair to determine placement. A grade of 5 on the language test fulfills GER #2 and LER-FL. This does apply to the literature test or Latin.
  French Literature 4 or 5 4 None  
  German Language 4 or 5 4 See chair to determine Placement. A grade of 5 on the language test fulfills GER #2 and LER-FL. This does apply to the literature test or Latin.
  Latin: Vergil 4 or 5 3    
  Latin Literature 4 or 5 3    
  Spanish Language 4 or 5* 4 See chair to determine placement. A grade of 5 on the language test fulfills GER #2 and LER-FL. This does apply to the literature test or Latin.
  Spanish Literature 4 or 5 4    
  Italian Language and Culture 4 or 5* 4 See chair to determine placement. A grade of 5 on the Language test fulfills GER #2 and LER-FL. This does apply to the Literature test or Latin.
Calculus AB 4 or 5 4   Placed into   , fulfills GER # 5 and LER-MR
Calculus BC 4 or 5 8   &   Placed into MA 221  or MA 222 , fulfills GER #5 and LER-MR
Calculus AB & BC 4 or 5 8   Placed into MA 221  or MA 222 , fulfills GER #5 and LER-MR
Statistics 4 or 5 3 See chair to determine placement. Fulfills GER #5 and LER-MR
Music Theory 4 or 5 3 See chair to determine placement.  
Listening & Literature 4 or 5 3   No GER fulfilled
Political Science US Government & Politics 4 or 5 3 See chair to determine placement. No GER fulfilled
Comparative Government &
5 3 See chair to determine placement. No GER fulfilled
B 4 or 5 3 See chair to determine placement.  
C: Mechanics 4 or 5 3 See chair to determine placement.  
C: Elec & Magnetism 4 or 5 3 See chair to determine placement. A grade of 5 on both Physics C Mechanics and Physics and C Elec and Magnetism is exempt from both PHY 125  and PHY 126  and is placed into PHY 220 /PHY 230 . GER #6 and LER-NS are fulfilled.
Psychology Psychology 4 or 5 3 PSY 111  PSY 112  (Lab) needed to fulfill GER #6 and LER-NS.



International Baccalaureate (IB)

Goucher College recognizes higher level (HL) exams with grades of 5-7 and in some departments, standard level (SL), with grades of 5-7. Full-IB diploma recipients will be considered for advanced class standing. Official test results must be sent directly from the IB Organization to Goucher before credit may be applied toward a program of study. 

First-Year Students Seeking Credit for College or University Coursework

In order to receive credit for college courses completed prior to graduation from high school or afterward, first-year students are required to have transcripts forwarded directly from those accredited institutions to the Admissions Office. The credit evaluation will be completed by the Office of the Registrar after the applicant is offered admission. Only courses from a regionally accredited institution with a grade of C- or higher will be considered for credit at Goucher. The maximum number of credits a student can transfer is 60; of these, no more than 15 may be from auxiliary winter or summer sessions. Courses must have been taught on the college campus by a  member of the college faculty. Goucher provides placement exams in English composition, modern languages, and mathematics; college and university courses in these areas may be accepted, but only after Goucher placement test results are known.

Transfer Students Seeking Credit for College or University Coursework

Credits for courses completed at regionally accredited two- and four-year institutions or courses completed at foreign institutions accredited by the respective Ministry of Education with a grade of C- or higher may be transferred into Goucher, provided that these courses are in subjects generally recognized as appropriate for liberal arts colleges and are either comparable to courses offered at Goucher College or are applicable to a degree program at Goucher College. Such credits must be evaluated and approved for transfer credit by the appropriate department head and the Office of the Registrar. Credit accepted for transfer to Goucher does not automatically apply toward the general education requirements or the major/minor and must be evaluated by the Office of the Registrar and  academic department chair for approval.

Up to 60 transfer credits will be accepted by Goucher. Credits in excess of 60 may count toward the general education requirements and requirements in the major/minor, but students must earn a minimum of 60 Goucher credits to receive a degree from Goucher. These credits must be earned while in residence at Goucher or on a Goucher or Goucher-affiliate study-abroad program. No more than 15 of the 60 transferred credits may be from an auxiliary winter intersession or summer courses. Online/Distance learning courses are not accepted for transfer, and no credit is given for academic courses with pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory grades unless the grade is defined on the transcript or the course catalog as “C-” or better. *New - see online course credit policy change by clicking here 

Transfer credit earned as a result of Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate coursework, and already recognized on a transcript by the college or university the student wishes to transfer from, may not be transferred to Goucher.

Credit for Service in the Military

Students who have completed two years of active service in the armed forces are, upon completion of all other credits required for a degree, given credit for the physical education requirement of the Goucher degree. Students who have completed six months of active service are given credit for one term toward the physical education requirement for a degree.


Second Degree


Goucher awards second bachelor’s degrees to students who hold bachelor’s degrees from accredited institutions, provided students complete at Goucher a minimum of 30 semester hours and fulfill the requirements for the major and all other Goucher College requirements. (Coursework completed for the first degree may be applied toward these requirements.) Contact the Admissions Office for further information, or the department chair for credit and class standing evaluations. 

Reinstatement of Students Previously Withdrawn


Suspended or withdrawn students who wish to resume studies at Goucher should submit a reinstatement form to the Office of the Registrar. This form is available on Goucher’s website. If academic work has been completed since leaving Goucher, a transcript should accompany the written request for reinstatement. Reinstated students who have been away from Goucher for more than two consecutive semesters and have completed fewer than 90 credits toward the degree must graduate under the general education requirements in effect when they are reinstated. Reinstated students who have been away more than five years, regardless of the number of credits they have toward the degree, must graduate under the general education requirements in effect when they are reinstated. Major and minor requirements fall under the auspices of individual departments.

Returning from a Leave of Absence


A student who is returning from an approved leave of absence does not need to apply for readmission but must confirm his or her plans, where applicable, with Financial Aid, the Bursar, the Office of the Registrar, and Community Living at least 30 days before the semester begins. Students on leave are responsible for meeting regular college deadlines for filing for financial aid and for registering for courses.

Non Candidates and Visiting Students

Students who wish to register as full- or part-time students, but not as candidates for the degree should contact the Admissions Office.

The noncandidate status allows students to attend Goucher on a nondegree-seeking basis. The noncandidate selection process requires the submission of a noncandidate application, and a high school transcript from an accredited secondary school and/or college-level transcript. Currently enrolled high school students wishing to pursue advanced courses as a noncandidate are required to submit an official high school transcript indicating the quality and level of high school work completed to date. A minimum of a 2.5 GPA is required of college-level work for admission. The associate dean for undergraduate studies serves as the academic adviser for full-time noncandidate students. Noncandidate course work with a C- grade or better can be transferred to a Goucher degree program transcript. Noncandidates previously withdrawn from the college who wish to return should contact the Admissions Office at 410-337-6100.

Advancement to Candidacy Change of Status

The standards by which academic standing is determined for degree candidates do not apply to noncandidates. The maximum number of credits a student may attempt (i.e., be enrolled in beyond the add/drop period), as a noncandidate is 27. Noncandidates who have attempted 27 credits are required to apply for full-time degree-seeking admission or present an education plan to the associate dean for undergraduate studies requiring approval to remain a noncandidate.


Where space is available, courses may be audited for personal interest or career advancement. Audits require both the adviser and course instructor’s signatures.



All correspondence before notification of admission to the college should be addressed to the Admissions Office. Other correspondence should be addressed as follows: 

Alumnae/i Relations: Alumnae/i Affairs Office
Career Counseling: Career Development Office
Admissions Program: Admissions Office
Gifts and Bequests: Office of Development
Scholarships (new students): Admissions Office
Scholarships (returning students): Student Administrative Services/Financial Aid
Scholastic Standing of Students: Student Administrative Services/Office of the Registrar
Student Billing: Student Administrative Services/Billing
Student Housing: Office of Community Living
Transcripts of Records: Student Administrative Services/Office of the Registrar

The college’s mailing address is: Goucher College, 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21204-2794. The telephone number is 410-337-6000. The website is www.goucher.edu.

Visiting Goucher


Visitors to the college are welcome throughout the year. The Admissions Office, located in the Rhoda M. Dorsey College Center, is open Monday through Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admissions office visitors may participate in a group information session led by an admissions counselor as well as a student-guided, walking campus tour. During certain times of the year, and due to high demand, interviews may only be available for high school seniors and transfer students, and must be scheduled in advance. Class visits and overnight stays must be scheduled two weeks in advance, and are not normally available until the second week of the semester. Please call 1-800-GOUCHER, extension 6100, for selected Saturday schedule information. Consult the admissions website for campus visit options and appointment availability. The following campus visit options are generally available weekdays throughout the year:

Monday–Friday Year-Round (with limited exceptions)

Interviews 9:30 and 10 a.m., 1:30 and 2 p.m.
Information Sessions 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m.
Campus Tours 11:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m.

Travel Directions

Goucher College is located at 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21204, about eight miles north of downtown Baltimore. A map of the campus appears on the inside back cover of this catalogue.

By plane: Limousine, taxicab, and shuttle services from the Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) to local and downtown hotels are available and take approximately 40-45 minutes.

By train: All passenger trains arrive at Pennsylvania Station in downtown Baltimore. A taxi from the station to Goucher College takes approximately 20 minutes.

By car: Motorists traveling to Goucher College are advised to take exit 27A (Dulaney Valley Road south) off the Baltimore Beltway (I-695). The college entrance is on the left, at the first traffic signal, one-eighth of a mile from Exit 27A.  GPS users should input Goucher College, 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Towson, MD  21204.