Goucher College 2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Feb 17, 2025  
Goucher College 2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.

Catalog Changes Since Publication as of March 28, 2018

Catalog Changes Since Initial Publication on March 28, 2018


ART 257 - Graphic Design/Data Visualization (4 Cr.)  (new version of course split out from ART 259 topics course, approved December 2018)

BIO 445 - Seminar: Biochemistry of Gene Expression (2 Cr.)  (new course to replace CHE 345, approved 9/26/18)

BIO 454 - Seminar in Infectious Diseases (2 Cr.)  (approved 4/4/18)

CHE 473 - Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (2 Cr.)  (replaces CHE 373, approved 9/26/18)

CPEA 209 - Document This! Telling stories about the real world using photographs and words. (4 Cr.)  (approved 10/17/18)

CPEA 252 - Who Owns Music? (4 Cr.)  (approved 11/7/18)

CPEB 203 - Green Gentrification and the Right to the City (4 Cr.)  (approved 9/19/18)

CPEB 204 - Labor and Justice in the Fields: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (4 Cr.)  (approved 10/3/18)

CPEB 252 - Individuals, Groups, and Institutions: Understanding Identity and Working Towards Change (4 Cr.)  (approved 9/19/18)

CPEC 203 - From Crusades to Witch Hunts: Histories of Religious Violence (4 Cr.)  (approved 5/9/18)

CPEC 204 - Sovereignty and Survivance in Native America (4 Cr.)  (approved 9/12/18)

CPEC 205 - Evolving Networks: Beyond Facebook (4 Cr.)  (approved 9/26/18)

CPEC 206 - Democracy’s Spell (4 Cr.)  (approved 9/26/18)

CPEC 207 - Society in the Age of Intelligent Machines (4 Cr.)  (approved 10/17/18)

CPEC 208 - Media Literacy: Fake News, Real News, Democracy and You (4 Cr.)  (approved 10/24/18)

CPEC 209 - Ghosts in Our Midst: Confronting the Past at Historic Sites, Monuments, and Memorials (4 Cr.)  (approved 11/7/18)

CPEC 255 - Drinking the Kool-Aid: The People’s Temple and the Psychology of New Religious Movements (4 Cr.)  (approved 9/26/18)

CPEC 256 - Art as an expression of revolutionary resistance (4 Cr.)  (approved 12/5/18)

CPED 205 - A Hot Mess: How Can We Address Global Warming? (4 Cr.)  (approved 9/12/18)

CPED 206 - Are alien planets like Earth? Using data to answer astronomical questions (4 Cr.)  (approved 10/17/18)

CPED 207 - The Addicted Brain: Understanding America’s Drug Crisis (4 Cr.)  (approved 10/17/18)

PHY 497 - Capstone in Physics (2 Cr.)  (approved 5/19/18)

SOA 228 - Subcultures and Social Problems (4 Cr.)  (approved 12/5/18)

THE 296 - Applied Performance Study (1 Cr.)  (approved 11/7/18)



ART 201  - removed prerequisites (11/19/18)

BKS 299  - credits changed from 2-4 to 1-4 (12/5/18)

CHE 345 - inactivated and replaced by BIO 445  (9/26/18)

CHE 373 - inactivated and replaced by CHE 473  (9/26/18)

COM 201  - removed prerequisites (11/19/18)

COM 238  - credits changed from 2 to 4 (10/17/18)

CPEB 202  - title change from “Give me your tired, your poor…In search of citizenship: The immigrant experience” (approved 10/31/18, effective spring 2019)

DAN 133  - title change from “Africanist Dance Techinque I” to “West African Diaspora Dance I: West African” (9/26/18)

DAN 233  - title change from “Africanist Dance Technique II” to “West African Diaspora Dance II: West African” (9/26/18)

DAN 333  - title change from “Africanist Dance Technique III” to “West African Diaspora Dance III: Hip Hop/Jazz/Tap” (9/26/18)

DAN 433  - title change from “Africanist Dance Technique IV” to “West African Diaspora Dance IV: Hip Hop/Jazz/Tap” (9/26/18)

DAN 418  - title change from “Reimagine: American Theatre Dance” to “Reimagine Heritage in USA Concert Dance” (10/18/18)

ED 322F  - changed from 2 credits to 4 credits (9/26/18)

ED 343  - prerequisite removed (11/13/18)

ED 355  - changed from 2 credits to 4 credits (9/26/18)

EQS 200  - removed BIO 102 as pre/co requisite (11/15/18)

HIS 290  - changed from 4 credits to 0-4 credits (June 2018)

HIS 480 - Capstone in History (4 Cr.)  - changed from 2 to 4 credits (approved 9/5/18)

HIS 497 - Capstone in History (4 Cr.)  - changed from 2 to 4 credits (approved 9/5/18)

HP 290  - changed from 3-4 credits to 0-4 credits (June 2018)

MA 170  - course reactived for GPEP students only (12/5/18)

PCE 340 - Special Topics in U.S. and International Peace Studies (2 or 4 Cr.)  - credits changed from 4 Cr. to 2 or 4 Cr. (approved 5/21/18). Added prerequisite of Junior standing (approved 6/15/18).

PCE 399  - credits changed from 4 to 1-4 (August 2018)

PLS 204  - prerequisites removed (11/14/18)

PSC 245  - credits changed from 2 to 4 (approved 9/19/18)

PSY 221  removed prerequisites (11/16/18)

RLG 240  - credits changed from 4 to 2 or 4 (approved 1/30/19)

RUS 248  - added RUS 132 as a possible prerequisite (added 11/14/18)

SP 399  - credits changed from 2 or 4 to 1-4 (approved 2/6/19)

THE 400  - credits changed from 1-2 to 1-4 (approved 1/30/19)



Academic Forgiveness Policy - updated 10/3/18.

Advanced Placement Credit - added additional AP exams for transfer credit. 2D design, 3D design, and Drawing. (12/3/18)

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Major - added BIO 445 and BIO 454 to seminar category, added BIO 454 to elective category. (1/15/19)

Biological Sciences Major - added BIO 454  as an option for a 400-level seminar. (9/8/18)

Chemistry Major - removed BIO 445 (now CHE 345) from list of courses. (10/10/18)

Chemistry Minor - removed BIO 445 (now CHE 345) from list of courses. (10/10/18)

GCR - Data Analytics Across the Curriculum (GCR - DAAC) - for courses that satisfy GCR - DAAC added a prerequisite that the student must have completed GCR - Data Analytics Foundational level (GCR - DAF) prior to taking the new course for GCR - DAAC credit. (added 4/15/18). Changed MA 268  from GCR-DAAC credit to GCR-DAF credit (5/11/18). BIO 354  added 2/3/19.

GCR - Data Analytics Foundational Level (GCR-DAF) - MA 268  added (5/11/18). CHE 151  added 2/2/19/

GCR - Environmental Sustainability (GCR-ENV) - CPED 201  course approved 4/18/18. ES 415  course approved 2/6/19. CPED 204  course approved 2/27/19.

GCR Foreign Language  - added the following sentences: Any student having previously completed 130 or a level beyond 130 may not take 132 for credit. 132 may not count for the major. (added 9/8/18) Added a listing of 200 and 300 level courses approved for Platform 3 and 4 (added 11/24/18).

GCR - Race, Power, and Perspective (GCR RPP) - SOA 271 , ARB 230 , MUS 109 , and CPEC 250  all approved 9/5/18. CPEB 252  (approved 9/19/18). JS 208 /PHL 208 /RLG 208  all approved 10/17/18. CPEB 205  (approved 11/7/18). COM 357 , CPEC 202 , and HIS 204  all approved 12/5/18. HIS 273  (approved 12/19/18). WGS 332  (approved 1/30/19). WGS 100  (approved 1/30/19).

Internship policy - item #6 updated to indicated students may take an academic internship for no-credit. (approved 4/6/18). All 290, 390, and 490 internships updated to be for 0-4 credits. (updated 5/9/18)

Legal Studies Minor - adding PLS 204  as an optional elective course (10/24/18)

LER - Environmental Sustainability - ES 415  course added (2/6/19).

LER - Mathematical Reasoning - SOA 217  added as approved course (9/1/18)

LER - Textual Analysis - DAN 418  added as approved course (10/3/18)

LER - Understanding Diverse Perspectives - DAN 418  added as approved course (10/3/18)

WEC requirement- LIT 265  and PHL 218  added as approved courses (4/16/18). WRT 203  added (4/18/18). SOA 238 /HIS 227  added as approved courses (8/10/18). COM 232 - Writing for Film, Television, and Radio (4 Cr.)  added as approved course (8/13/18). HIS 204 - Tumultuous Centuries: Modern Japan (4 Cr.)  added as approved course (10/25/18). BIO 224  and PHY 250  added as satisfying in Spring 2019 ONLY (11/7/18). PSC 245  added as approved course 1/24/19.