Philosophy |
• PHL 223 - Twentieth Century Analytic Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 224 - Existentialism: Philosophy and Theater (3 Cr.)
• PHL 227 - Neoplatonism: the Perennial Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 228 - Philosophy and the Animal (3 Cr.)
• PHL 231 - Political Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 235 - Hermeneutics and Deconstruction (3 Cr.)
• PHL 237 - Queer Theory (3 Cr.)
• PHL 245 - Critical Race Theory (3 Cr.)
• PHL 257 - Philosophy and the Machine (3 Cr.)
• PHL 260 - Ancient Greek Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 268 - Chinese Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 272Y - Intensive Course Abroad ()
• PHL 275 - Epistemology (3 Cr.)
• PHL 276 - Feminist Philosophy (3 Cr.)
• PHL 280 - Archaeology of Language (3 Cr.)
• PHL 290 - Internship in Philosophy (3-4 Cr.)
• PHL 298 - Independent Work in Philosophy (1.5-4 Cr.)
• PHL 330 - Nietzsche (3 Cr.)
• PHL 332 - Foucault (3 Cr.)
• PHL 333 - Kant (3 Cr.)
• PHL 336 - Heidegger (3 Cr.)
• PHL 338 - Derrida (3 Cr.)
• PHL 339 - Lyotard (3 Cr.)
• PHL 395 - Philosophical Topics (3 Cr.)
• PHL 398 - Independent Work in Philosophy (1.5-4 Cr.)
Physics Courses at the introductory level in physics are planned to meet various needs. PHY 115 and PHY 116 are designed to give a general survey of physics, with emphasis on physical reasoning rather than mathematical analysis, and they are intended for students who plan to major in the life sciences, enter the health professions, or teach in elementary schools. PHY 125 and PHY 126 are more comprehensive and are intended for students who plan to major or minor in physics, major in the physical sciences or mathematics, or enter the 3+2 Engineering Program. |
• PHY 101 - Introduction to the Physics Major (1 Cr.)
• PHY 115 - Principles of Physics I (4 Cr.)
• PHY 116 - Principles of Physics II (4 Cr.)
• PHY 125 - General Physics I (4 Cr.)
• PHY 126 - General Physics II (4 Cr.)
• PHY 220 - Modern Physics (4 Cr.)
• PHY 230 - Intermediate Physics Laboratory (3 Cr.)
• PHY 250 - Energy, Physics, and the Environment (3 Cr.)
• PHY 280 - Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences (3 Cr.)
• PHY 290 - Internship in Physics (3-4 Cr.)
• PHY 300 - Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics (3 Cr.)
• PHY 301 - Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory (3 Cr.)
• PHY 310 - Electronics/Instrumentation (3 Cr.)
• PHY 330 - Special Topics in Contemporary Physics (3 Cr.)
• PHY 340 - Classical Mechanics (3 Cr.)
• PHY 350 - Quantum Mechanics (3 Cr.)
• PHY 395 - Independent Work in Physics (1.5-4 Cr.)
• PHY 450 - Senior Thesis - Physics (4 Cr.)
Political Science All 100- and 200-level courses fulfill social sciences, except internships, independent work, and PSC 272Y. |
• PSC 100 - Understanding Politics (3 Cr.)
• PSC 200 - Classical Political Thought (4 Cr.)
• PSC 201 - Modern Political Thought (4 Cr.)
• PSC 202 - Contemporary Political Thought (4 Cr.)
• PSC 211 - Research Methods in Political Science (4 Cr.)
• PSC 213 - Practicum in Survey Research (3-4 Cr.)
• PSC 216 - Development and Social Change in Costa Rica (4 Cr.)
• PSC 221 - Comparative Political Analysis (4 Cr.)
• PSC 233 - State and Local Government (3-4 Cr.)
• PSC 239 - Religion and Politics in America (3 Cr.)
• PSC 241 - America and the Vietnam War (3 Cr.)
• PSC 243 - The American Political System (4 Cr.)
• PSC 245 - Organized Advocacy in American Politics (3-4 Cr.)
• PSC 247 - An Introduction to Education Policy (3 Cr.)
• PSC 248 - The 2016 Election (3-4 Cr.)
• PSC 249 - Special Topic in Politics (3-4 Cr.)
• PSC 250 - Theories of International Politics (4 Cr.)
• PSC 256 - The United Nations in World Affairs (3 Cr.)
• PSC 257 - Problems in International Political Economy (4 Cr.)
• PSC 258 - The International Politics of the Middle East (3 Cr.)
• PSC 259 - African Politics (3-4 Cr.)
• PSC 262 - Democracy and Violence in Southeast Asia (3-4 Cr.)
• PSC 263 - The Pacific Rim (3 Cr.)
• PSC 266 - Religion and Politics in Asia (3-4 Cr.)
• PSC 272Y - Intensive Course Abroad (3 Cr.)
• PSC 273 - American Political Behavior (3-4 Cr.)
• PSC 283 - Topics in Social Science (4 Cr.)
• PSC 290 - Political Science and International Relations Internship (3-4 Cr.)
• PSC 299 - Independent Work (1-4 Cr.)
• PSC 304 - Seminar in Comparative Politics (4 Cr.)
• PSC 306 - Seminar in Political Theory (4 Cr.)
• PSC 316 - Seminar in Scope and Method in Political Science (4 Cr.)
• PSC 321 - Terrorism and Political Violence (4 Cr.)
• PSC 323 - Comparative Public Policy and Gender (3 Cr.)
• PSC 342 - Seminar in Presidential Politics (4 Cr.)
• PSC 343 - Seminar in Congressional Politics (4 Cr.)
• PSC 350 - Seminar in International Relations Theories (4 Cr.)
• PSC 359 - Seminar on African Politics (4 Cr.)
• PSC 365 - Asian Security (4 Cr.)
• PSC 375 - Political Islam (4 Cr.)
• PSC 399 - Advanced Independent Work (3-6 Cr.)
• PSC 450 - Senior Thesis (4 Cr. each semester)
Prelaw Studies |
• PLS 100 - Law and Society (3 Cr.)
• PLS 290 - Prelaw Internship (3-4 Cr.)
• PLS 299 - Independent Work (1.5-4 Cr.)
• PLS 350 - Legal Writing and Analysis: Selected Topics in Constitutional Law (3 Cr.)
Psychology |
• PSY 111 - Introduction to Psychology (3 Cr.)
• PSY 112 - Introduction to Psychology: Laboratory (1 Cr.)
• PSY 200 - Statistical Methods in Psychology (4 Cr.)
• PSY 202 - Human Learning and Memory (4 Cr.)
• PSY 207 - Psychological and Developmental Foundations of Education (3 -4 Cr.)
• PSY 212 - Existential and Humanistic Psychology (4 Cr.)
• PSY 219 - Black Psychology (4 Cr.)
• PSY 220 - Personality Theory (4 Cr.)
• PSY 226 - Relational Psychology (4 Cr.)
• PSY 227 - Psychology of Women (4 Cr.)
• PSY 230 - Social Psychology (4 Cr.)
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