Goucher College 2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
PHY 330 - Special Topics in Contemporary Physics (3 Cr.) Topics courses in physics are offered to extend knowledge beyond foundation courses and to introduce students to more advanced topics in physics and their applications to many different areas of science and technology. Topics are determined by student interest and needs. Courses include but are not limited to: Condensed Matter Physics (Yoder), and Relativity and Cosmology (Sugerman). Depending on a particular topic, the course will have a three-hour lecture, laboratory and/or seminar format. Students may take this course for credit more than once. Prerequisites: or permission of the department. Additional courses as appropriate for the particular topic will be specified by the department. Variable semester. Department.
General Relativity. This course will survey topics in special and general relativity, with particular emphasis on developing tensor calculus and applications of the weak-field limit. Topics will include time dilation, length contraction, relativistic dynamics, transformations between coordinate systems, gravitational lensing, orbital precession, and black holes. Cosmology will be developed using general-relativistic arguments, and then explored through observations of large-scale structure and the cosmic microwave background. Spring semester. Sugerman.