Mar 13, 2025
Goucher College 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
General Education #9
Human Culture
Students must be able to interpret words, images, objects, and/or actions that are expressions of human culture. This course will be satisfied by courses identified throughout the curriculum. - ANT 107 - Cultural Anthropology (3 Cr.)
- ART 103 - Introduction to the History of Art (4 Cr.)
- ART 260
- ART 262 - Nature Into Art: The Cultural Dimensions of Landscape (3 Cr.)
- ART 266 - Medieval Art (3 Cr.)
- ART 278 - European and American Architecture, 1750-1850 (3 Cr.) or
- HIS 278 - European and American Architecture: 1750-1850 (3 Cr.)
- ART 280 - Neoclassicism to Impressionism: European Art, 1780-1880 (3 Cr.)
- ART 281 - Modern Art, 1880-1914 (4 Cr.)
- ART 284 - Fine Art in America (3 Cr.)
- ART 286 - American Art Since World War II (3 Cr.)
- ART 310 - Introduction to Color Photography (4 Cr.)
- ART 331 - Sculpture II (4 Cr.)
- BUS 221 - Special Topics in International Business (3 Cr.)
- BUS 229 - Marketing Management (3 Cr.)
- BUS 231 - International Business Environment (3 Cr.)
- COM 219 - History of Television and Radio (4 Cr.)
- COM 234 - Critical Analysis of Journalism (3 Cr.)
- COM 237 - Media Criticism (3 Cr.)
- COM 239 - Film Theory and History I (4 Cr.)
- COM 245 - Film Theory and History II (4 Cr.)
- COM 256
- COM 257 - Intercultural Communication (4 Cr.)
- DAN 114 , , 217 , 218 , 219 / with DAN 120 , , 220 , , 222 , 321 , 322 , 323 - note DAN 120, 217, 220, 322, 323 no longer offered after spring 2014. Also, DAN 321 becomes DAN 421 starting Fall 2014. DAN 218 becomes DAN 215 starting in Fall 2014. DAN 219 becomes DAN 316 beginning in Fall 2014. DAN 222 becomes DAN 320 beginning in Fall 2014.
- DAN 131 - Chorégraphie Antique (1.5 Cr.)
- DAN 231 - Chorégraphie Antique II (1.5 Cr.)
- DAN 190 - Movement Forms: a Cross-Cultural Perspective (3 Cr.)
- DAN 250 - Twentieth-Century American Dance and its Relation to Other Modern Arts (3 Cr.)
- DAN 251 - Dancing in the Past and Present: Romanticism and Beyond (3 Cr.)
- DAN 255 - American Dance Traditions (3 Cr.)
- ENG 111 (course now inactive)
- ENG 211 - English Literature: Beowulf to Dryden (3 Cr.)
- ENG 212 - English Literature: Pope to Eliot (3 Cr.)
- ENG 215 - Literary Theory: Eight Ways of Looking at a Text (3 Cr.)
- ENG 222 - Women and Literature (3 Cr.) or
- WS 222 - Women and Literature (3 Cr.)
- ENG 232 - Shakespeare (3 Cr.)
- ENG 240 - Medieval Literature (3 Cr.)
- ENG 246 (course inactive)
- ENG 254 - American Literature II (3 Cr.)
- ENG 255 - The Modern American Novel (3 Cr.)
- ENG 256 - Multiethnic American Literature (3 Cr.)
- ENG 259 - Poverty & Privilege in Victorian Novels (4 Cr.) (satisfies Gen Ed #9 only if taken prior to Spring 2015)
- ENG 260 (course inactive)
- ENG 361 (course inactive)
- ENG 264 (course inactive)
- ENG 270 - Modernism (3 Cr.)
- ENG 273 - Postmodernism (3 Cr.)
- ENG 276 - Modern Poetry (3 Cr.)
- ENG 277 - Contemporary American Poets (3 Cr.)
- ENG 280 (course inactive)
- ENG 285 - Contemporary Literature From India, Africa, and Australia (3 Cr.)
- ENG 330 - Special Topics in English Literature to 1700 (3 Cr.)
- ENG 340 - Special Topics in English Literature Since 1700 (3 Cr.)
- ENG 350 - Seminar in Shakespeare (3 Cr.)
- FR 245 - Bouillon De Culture—Introduction to French Studies (4 Cr.)
- FR 256 - Readings in French: A la Page (4 Cr.)
- FR 351 - Topics in Francophone African Literature & Cinema (3 Cr.)
- GER 250 - Special Topics in Modern German Culture (4 Cr.) or
- WL 250 - Special Topics in Modern German Culture (4 Cr.)
- GER 260 - History, Literature, and Film on the Holocaust (4 Cr.) or
- HIS 229 - History, Literature, and Film on the Holocaust (4 Cr.) or
- JS 246 - Literature and Film on the Holocaust (4 Cr.)
- HIS 282 - Women of North Africa and the Middle East (3 Cr.) or
- WS 282 - Women of North Africa and the Middle East (3 Cr.)
- JS 205 - Judaism (3 Cr.) or
- RLG 205 - Judaism (3 Cr.)
- JS 242 - The Modern Jewish Experience (3 Cr.) or
- RLG 242 - Modern Jewish Experience (3 Cr.)
- JS 247 - Issues in Contemporary Jewish Thought (3 Cr.) or
- RLG 247 - Issues in Contemporary Jewish Thought: Whither the 21st Century (3 Cr.)
- LAM 280 - Selected Topics in Latin American Studies (3 Cr.)
- MUS 101 - Fundamentals of Music Theory (3 Cr.)
- MUS 104 - Introduction to World Music (3 Cr.)
- MUS 106 - Music Theory II: Homophonic Practice of the 18th and 19th Centuries (3 Cr.)
- MUS 108 - Introduction to the Opera (3 Cr.)
- MUS 115 - Music in Western Civilization, 1000-1750 (3 Cr.)
- MUS 117 - Music in Western Civilization, 1750-1900 (3 Cr.)
- MUS 203 - Special Topics in Music (3 Cr.)
- MUS 205 - Music Theory III: Counterpoint (3 Cr.)
- MUS 249 - Music of the 20th and 21st Centuries (3 Cr.)
- MUS 260
- MUS 360 - Classical Style and Beethoven (3 Cr.)
- PCE 124 - Being Human (4 Cr.)
- PCE 231 - Special Topics in International Film and Literature (4 Cr.)
- PHL 120 - Introduction to Analytic Philosophy (3 Cr.)
- PHL 212 - Philosophy and Art (3 Cr.) or
- ART 207 - Philosophy and Art (3 Cr.)
- RLG 130 - Introduction to World Religions (3 Cr.)
- RLG 153 - Religion and Society (3 Cr.)
- RLG 200 - The Hebrew Scriptures (3 Cr.) or
- JS 201 - The Hebrew Scriptures (3 Cr.)
- RLG 207 - Islamic Thought (3 Cr.)
- RLG 209
- RUS 251 - Introduction to Russian Literature I (3 Cr.)
- RUS 395 - Seminar I (3 Cr.)
- RUS 396 - Seminar II (3 Cr.)
- RUS 254 - Russian Literature: Revolution and Purge (3 Cr.) or
- WL 254 - Russian Literature: Revolution and Purge (3 Cr.)
- RUS 259 - Dimensions of the Russian Literary Mind: The Saint, the Madman, and the Dreamer (3 Cr.) or
- WL 259 - Dimensions of the Russian Literary Mind: The Saint, the Madman, and the Dreamer (3 Cr.)
- SOC 106 - The Sociological Imagination (3 Cr.)
- SP 254 - Survey of Peninsular Literatures and Cultures: An Exploration of Spain’s Literary Journey (3 Cr.)
- SP 294 - Survey of Latin-American Literatures and Cultures: Vision de los Vencidos, an Alternative Perspective (3 Cr.)
- THE 103 - The Theatre Experience (3 Cr.)
- THE 220 - Advanced Acting Workshops (4 Cr.)
- THE 231 - Directing (4 Cr.)
- WL 210 - Cross-Cultural Issues in Nationality and Identity (3 Cr.)
- WL 230 - Special Topics in African Literature and Film (3 Cr.)
- WL 269 - The Russian Fairytale (3 Cr.) or
- RUS 269 - The Russian Fairytale (3 Cr.)
- WS 100 - Confronting Inequality: Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary American Society (3 Cr.)
- WS 150 - Women’s Experiences in Global Perspectives (3 Cr.)
- WS 217 - Latin American Women Voices: Argentina and Uruguay (3 Cr.) or
- LAM 217
- WS 224 - Is There Life Beyond the Looking Glass? Gender, Identity, and Race in Caribbean Culture (3 Cr.)
- or
Prior to 09/FA the following fulfilled GEN.ED. #9: DAN 114 /with 124, DAN 115 /with 125, DAN 116/with 126, DAN 117/with 127, DAN 118/with 128 |