Goucher College 2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Dec 21, 2024  
Goucher College 2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.

ENG 240 - Medieval Literature (3 Cr.)

(GEN. ED. #4 and #9) (LER–TXT AND DIV)
Study of a major author or a broad issue in the literature of the Middle Ages. Aesthetic and cultural study of Medieval English verse and prose to rediscover pre-Modern cultural values. Emphasis on oral performance in pre-literate communities, manuscript construction and circulation, and the 15th-century transition to moveable type printed editions, using digital voice boards, original manuscripts and early print editions from Goucher’s Special Collections and the instructor’s collection, and in facsimile. Chaucer, the anonymous “Gawain”(or “Pearl”) poet, Malory, and other anonymous romancers, lyric poets, and dramatists. Prerequisite: ENG 211  or permission of instructor. Variable semesters. Sanders.