The History major consists of nine four-credit courses plus a History Capstone for a total of 38 credits. Students will have to take one 100-level history course, four 200-level courses, three 300-level courses, the Tutorial in Historical Research (HIS 415 ), and the two-credit Capstone in History (HIS 497 , formerly HIS 480). The major is designed to help students evolve from basic foundations through to advanced research and application of historical knowledge and analysis. The 100-level courses emphasize historical methodologies (use of primary and secondary sources, modes of analysis, historiography, historical writing); the 200-level courses apply those basic skills in broad chronological and geographic surveys with narrower topical or thematic courses; the 300-level classes build on the skills learned at the 100-level to emphasize advanced reading and research methodologies, complex historiographies and approaches to history, and the design of advanced research projects; and the 400-level courses focus on actually “doing history”-that is, the completion of advanced research, writing, and presentation of history. Please see the course catalog for more information on course offerings and expectations.
Students who have declared a history major before the fall of 2016 can decide if they will follow these new requirement, or the old ones listed below; students who declare a history major from fall 2016 onward will meet the new requirements.
Honors will be awarded to students who have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the major and whose performance has been consistently outstanding during their studies at Goucher College.
Writing proficiency in the major can be fulfilled by obtaining a minimum grade of B- in any 300-level seminar.
Majors will also be expected to gain geographic breadth by taking one course in each of our three major areas: the United States, Europe, and the non-European and non-American world (Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East). Possible courses include, but are not limited to: