Mar 13, 2025
Goucher College 2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
RUS 285 - Russian Cinema (4 Cr.) (cross-listed as RUS 385, WL 285, and WL 385) In Russian and/or English. For mid-intermediate students. Course based on the films of the Soviet era, as well as contemporary Russian cinema. Part of a four-year cycle of rotating topics in 20th-century prose, poetry, drama, or cinema involving close textual analysis of the works of a single author, study of a particular genre, in depth analysis of a single novel, genre or soviet or Russian cinema. Special emphasis is placed on the writing of critical essays. Projects include authentic soviet periodicals. English speakers read the works in translation. May be taken more than once under a different topic for minor and major credit. Prerequisite: RUS 231 , or instructor’s permission. Spring semester. Samilenko.