Jan 20, 2025
Goucher College 2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
PHL 360 - Ancient Greek Philosophy (4 Cr.)(Formerly PHL 260) How does a philosophical conversation, or inquiry, among a community of people start and sustain itself when the entirecommunity is talking about god or the gods? When they think myth is truth? Or when the only communal conversation is about what the oracles of the gods want of us and predict for us. How do we listen to and hear each other when the leaders and great heroes tell us what we think and what we should do? When the public speakers are trying to persuade us with their point of view. Such is the situation in which the birth of philosophical thinking about existence, knowledge, and values to place in ancient Greece. Philosophy arose as a new kind of free, transparent, and critical discourse and dialogue that set the stage for scientific and rational inquiry and conversation. We shall begin with the fragments of the pre-socratic philosophers, then Plato’s Dialogues Protagoras, Ion, Republic, Phaedrus, Theatetus, and Letter VII. We follow Plato with selections from Aristotle’s Physics, Metaphysics, On the Soul, and Nichomachean Ethics. We conclude with Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations. Prerequisite: Either one philosophy course or permission of the instructor. Fall semester. Offered 2017-18 and alternate years. Rose.