Goucher College 2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Mar 06, 2025  
Goucher College 2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.

THE 272Y - Intensive Course Abroad (5 Cr. or 6-8 Cr.)

(FR 272Y )(DAN 272Y ) (LER - SA)(GCR - SA)

Courses include a pre-departure or post-departure component (or both) in the fall or spring term and a three-week intensive course abroad in the winter or summer.


The Scottish Connection: A Cultural and Artistic Immersion (5 Cr.)

An intensive international dance and theatre experience in Edinburgh, Scotland. During the first week of the course we will work intensively with Scottish artists in dance and theatre to build a performance piece that we will flashmob in Edinburgh. During the second week the focus will be on cultural and historic investigations of the city of Edinburgh. We will learn Scottish Country dancing and participate in a traditional ceilidh, and will participate in various historical and cultural tours to familiarize you with the city and its history. During the final week of the course will become audience members for the many performance events that are available as part of the Edinburgh International Festival and Fringe Festival. Students will also examine the historical, aesthetic, theoretical, philosophical, and critical issues concerning dance and theatre in the British Isles and Europe. This course requires a pre-course in the spring semester. Summer 2018 and alternate years. Program faculty.

French Theatre in Paris and Marseilles: Languages of Performance (6-8 Cr.) (LER ARC)

An experiential introduction to the dynamic world of the contemporary French theatre in Avignon, Marseille, and Paris. Building on longstanding exchanges with French theatre artists, this course develops conversational and other language skills in immersion settings such as homestay families, theatre workshops, and cooking classes. Students gain skills in vocal projection, stage presence, and characterization, are exposed to French traditions of acting and staging, and see performances that provide a window into contemporary French culture. The capstone production is part of the Goucher Theatre program’s fall program. Participation is based on the individual’s skills and interests (and could include an acting role). Course includes seven weeks in the spring, a three-week program abroad in May/June, and seven weeks in the fall. Students unable to participate in the fall or spring may take only two of the components for 6 credits. Spring/summer/fall semesters. Offered 2019 and alternate years. Free and Ingram.