Goucher College 2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Feb 17, 2025  
Goucher College 2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.

ED 272Y - Intensive Course Abroad ()


INTENSIVE COURSE ABROAD (GEN. ED. #3) (LER-DIV WHEN TOPIC APPLIES) courses include a pre-departure or post-departure discussion (or both) in the fall and spring and a three week intensive course abroad in the winter intersession or summer.

Intermediate Reading in Spanish: Multiculturalism and Education Systems in the U.S. and Nicaragua (3-3) (SP 229G and SP 299G) In this interdisciplinary, bilingual course we will build awareness of multiculturalism in the context of the education system in the United States and Nicaragua. Students will explore their core beliefs through reflective practice, develop cultural competencies especially as they related to high poverty/culturally and linguistically diverse students, observe and practice culturally responsive teaching, and contemplate the influence of educational systems on difference and learning. This interdisciplinary course builds Spanish language skills into the curriculum of education through the completion of 3 credits during the pre-program course in the Spring semester at Goucher (1.5 Spanish and 1.5 Education), and 3 credits during the three week intensive course in Nicaragua (1.5 Spanish and 1.5 Education). Prerequisites: SP 130 or, SP 130G or, SP 130S or, SP 130V or placement. Students will received credit for SP 229G or for independent work in Spanish (1-3 credits, the equivalent to SP 299G). Prerequisites for Education: One course in education or permission of the instructor. Variable semesters starting Spring-Summer 2015. Ramos-Sellman and Smith.

TOWNSHIP AND RURAL EDUCATION IN SOUTH AFRICA (3-3) This intensive service course abroad consists of two components, a semester course of study in the spring semester and a four-week intensive field placement in a township and rural school in South Africa at the end of the spring semester. Students examine the social, political, and historical landscape of South Africa to understand the country’s continued transformation, examine culture and customs unique to the Eastern Cape region of South Africa, and examine their own cross-cultural competence to effectively teach learners who are distinctly different from themselves. At the conclusion of this experience, students can apply knowledge of the nature of adolescents to create units and lessons that reflect national and local standards, adapt personal teaching style to multiple learning styles, and use knowledge of learners to provide effective instruction in English and reading to South African learners in the middle grades. Prerequisites: ED 101  or ED 103 , SPE 100  or ED 207 , COM 105 , COM 257 , or permission of instructor. Spring/summer semester. Cornish.

EDUCATION IN A MULTICULTURAL ISRAELI SOCIETY (1.5-3) (JS 272Y ) This course will provide field work experience and lectures from the faculty of Ben Gurion University of Negev in Israel concerning education for Bedouin Arabs and Jewish immigrants from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union. The pre-departure course is 1.5 credits and the three-week course is three credits. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Variable. Velder.