Mar 13, 2025
Goucher College 2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
BIO 272G - Intensive Course Abroad: Tropical Marine Biology (3 Cr.) (LER-ENV and LER-SA) This course requires a three-week intensive course abroad in the fall or spring semester. An intensive three-week investigation of Caribbean reefs and other tropical marine habitats. Daily field trips allow maximum exposure to the unique and diverse coral reef community with additional excursions to grass beds and mangrove forests. Primary focus on the structure and function of coral reef systems and on the biology of the dominant organisms therein. Field trips will be supplemented by lectures, films, slides, and appropriate reading. Primary emphasis is on analysis of coral reef structures and function in situ through direct observation and field experiments. Taught during the January intersession at the Institute for Marine Studies on the island of Roatan in Honduras. Prerequisites: BIO 104 , BIO 105 , or permission of the instructor. Scuba certification strongly recommended. January intersession. Offered 2017 and alternate years. Hodge, Kicklighter.