Goucher College 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
MUS 160 - Voice (1.5 Cr.)
A one-semester course of individual instruction given to students at any level. Those who do not read standard music notation should additionally enroll in MUS 101. The fee structure is as follows: $600 per semester or a discounted fee of $200 per semester for those enrolled in an ensemble (MUS 140 - 149) for that semester, using the same instrument or voice as the lessons. There is no fee for one course of private instruction for declared majors or minors. Additional fees: auditing private instruction ($800; music majors and minors may not audit lessons), taking a second course of lessons (on a different instrument) within one semester ($600; possible fee reductions for declared music majors at the discretion of the department chair). May be repeated for credit. Optional corequisites: MUS 140, MUS 141, MUS 143, MUS 144, MUS 146, MUS 147, MUS 149. Fall semester, repeated spring semester. Private Music Instructors.