Feb 17, 2025
Goucher College 2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
WRT 284 - The Rhetoric of Islamophobia (4 Cr.) How is the rhetoric of Islamophobia constructed, circulated, received, and enacted? How can we encounter and disrupt this rhetoric and its manifestations? This course will examine the discourses of anti-Muslim prejudice and the mechanisms that drive Islamophobia in the U.S. in particular and the West in general. Using feminist rhetorical methodologies, we will investigate the historical roots of current Islamophobic attitudes, practices, and policies. Special attention will be given to Muslim women’s agency within this religious discourse and the ethical implications surrounding the discussions of their artifacts. This course will provide a space for us to engage in discussions with Muslims from Muslim-majority countries (via Skype) and Muslim Americans from our community. We will collaboratively think of creative ways to combat Islamophobia while producing written and multimodal works that make visible the network of relations keeping this hateful rhetoric alive and well. Class materials will include current events pieces, fictional and autobiographical accounts, scholarly articles, and films. This class fulfills the WEC requirement. Prerequisite: WRT 181 or WRT 181H or FYS 100W or sophomore standing or College Writing Proficiency (CWP). Oweidat.