Mar 06, 2025
Goucher College 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
Race, Power, and Perspective
Race, Power, and Perspective
The Race, Power, and Perspective Requirement integrates Goucher College’s values of diversity, social justice, and global citizenship by asking students not only to recognize difference but to explore the power structures behind those differences. Through engagement in the following distinct experiences that ordinarily map onto the four years of a Goucher education, students will accomplish the progressive learning outcomes of this requirement: - First Year Experience: articulate the connections between identity (including opportunities and experiences) and perspectives and reflect critically on their own biases and those of others.
- Completion of a designated course across the curriculum (typically sophomore year): understand the institutional, cultural, and structural factors of race, power, and privilege that shape perspective and experience.
- Study abroad with accompanying course or online dialogue: develop emotional skills necessary to engage with those different from oneself with awareness of and respect for cultural and racial differences and empathy for the different experiences of others and.
LYE - Last Year Experience: express their own accountability to and participation in all levels of community and will determine how to leverage their own gifts, skills, and resources to work towards racial and social justice. LYE has been waived for 2021-22 graduating students. - AFR 200 - Introduction to Africana Studies (4 Cr.)
- AMS 230 - Religions of Baltimore (4 Cr.)
- ARB 230 - Intro to Modern Arab Culture: Dissenting Voices, Liberating Visions (4 Cr.)
- COM 316 - Making Sense of Popular Culture (4 Cr.)
- COM 341 - American Cinema (4 Cr.)
- COM 342 - World Cinema (4 Cr.)
- COM 425 - Women and Film (4 Cr.)
- COM 430 - Queer Film and Media (4 Cr.)
- CPEB 201 - Baltimore ‘68: What has Changed 50 Years Later? (4 Cr.)
- CPEB 205 - Disease and Discrimination, Sociology Focus (4 Cr.)
- CPEB 252 - Individuals, Groups, and Institutions: Understanding Identity and Working Towards Change (4 Cr.)
- CPEC 201 - Genocide and Modernity (4 Cr.)
- CPEC 250 - Where, When, and How do We Belong?: Citizenship through Space and Time (4 Cr.)
- CPEC 254 - Do Gooders and the Failure of Humanitarian Aid: Ideology, Ethics and Future (4 Cr.)
- CPED 202 - Disease and Discrimination, Biology Focus (4 Cr.)
- ED 104 - Child and Adolescent Development (4 Cr.)
- ES 230 - Feminist Political Ecology: Culture, Politics, Environmental Change (4 Cr.)
- FR 250 - Introduction to French Transnational Studies (4 Cr.)
- HIS 108 - Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Slavery (4 Cr.)
- HIS 200 - Introduction to Africana Studies (4 Cr.)
- HIS 210 - Survey: Early American History (4 Cr.)
- HIS 211 - Survey: Modern American History (4 Cr.)
- HIS 235 - American Revolution (4 Cr.)
- HIS 260 - Slavery, the Civil War, & Reconstruction (4 Cr.)
- HIS 273 - African American History II (4 Cr.)
- HIS 288 - course now inactive
- HIS 289R - fall 2020 section ONLY.
- HIS 295 - course now inactive
- JS 114 - Jewish Humor (4 Cr.)
- LAM 105 - Introduction to Latin American Studies (4 Cr.)
- LAM 236 - Latina Literature across Borders (2 Cr.)
- LAM 295 - course now inactive
- LIT 223 - African American Women Writers (4 Cr.)
- LIT 236 - Latina Literature across Borders (2 Cr.)
- LIT 285 - Contemporary Literature from India, Africa, and Australia (4 Cr.)
- LIT 392 - Contemporary Literary Theory (4 Cr.)
- MUS 109 - course now inactive
- MUS 309 - History of Jazz (2 Cr.)
- PCE 253 - course now inactive
- PHL 208 - Philosophy of Religion (4 Cr.)
- PSC 215 - course now inactive
- PHL 253 - Philosophy and/of Art (4 Cr.)
- PHL 327 - Bootlicking and Other Authoritarian Pathologies (4 Cr.)
- PSC 259 - African Politics (4 Cr.)
- PSC 327 - Bootlicking and Other Authoritarian Pathologies (4 Cr.)
- PSY 219 - Black Psychology (4 Cr.)
- PSY 224 - International Psychology (4 Cr.)
- RLG 239 - Religion, Law, and Politics in America (4 Cr.)
- RLG 266 (course now inactive)
- SOA 220 - Comparative Race and Ethnic Relations (4 Cr.)
- SOA 245 - Wealth, Power, and Prestige (4 Cr.)
- SOA 255 - Political Anthropology (4 Cr.)
- SOA 271 - Social Movements (4 Cr.)
- SOA 275 - course now inactive
- SP 230 - Intermediate Conversation and Composition (4 Cr.)
- SP 230S - Intermediate Conversation and Compositions with Community-Based Learning (4 Cr.)
- SP 230V - Intermediate Conversation and Composition with On-line Component (4 Cr.)
- SP 235 - Advanced Conversation and Composition (4 Cr.)
- SP 322 - Survey of Latin-American and Peninsular Literature and Culture (4 Cr.)
- SP 339 - The Critical Pedagogue: Teaching Spanish as a Cross-Cultural Transformative Process (4 Cr.)
- SP 361 - Spanish in the Media (4 Cr.)
- SP 363 - Spanish in the Workplace: Language and Culture (4 Cr.)
- SP 365 - The Intrepid Dialectologist: Learning Spanish Through Dialects and Community-Based Learning (4 Cr.)
- VMC 215 - Museums, Exhibitions, and the History of Collecting (4 Cr.)
- VMC 253 - Philosophy and/of Art (4 Cr.)
- WGS 100 - Introduction to Gender, Race, and Sexuality in American Society (4 Cr.)
- WGS 223 - African American Women Writers (4 Cr.)
- WGS 311 - Queer Film and Media (4 Cr.)
- WGS 325 - Women and Film (4 Cr.)
- WGS 332 - Black Women’s History in the U.S. (4 Cr.)