The History major consists of nine four-credit courses including the History Capstone for a total of 36 credits. Students will have to take one 100-level history course, four 200-level courses, two 300-level courses, the Tutorial in Historical Research (HIS 415), and the four-credit Capstone in History (HIS 497, formerly HIS 480). The major is designed to help students evolve from basic foundations through to advanced research and the application of historical knowledge and analysis. The 100-level courses emphasize historical methodologies (use of primary and secondary sources, modes of analysis, historiography, historical writing); the 200-level courses apply those basic skills in broad chronological and geographic surveys as well as narrower topical or thematic courses; the 300-level classes build on the skills learned at the 100-level to emphasize advanced reading and research methodologies, complex historiographies and approaches to history, and the design of advanced research projects; and the 400-level courses focus on actually “doing history” that is, the completion of advanced research, writing, and presentation of history. Ordinarily, students should take HIS 415 (fall) and HIS 497 (spring) as a sequence in their final year. Please see the course catalog for more information on course offerings and expectations.
Counting non-History courses toward the major: Students should aim to complete their coursework with courses taught by Goucher History faculty. However, some Goucher courses can count toward the major, please consult with your advisor to determine if a particular course will count for the History major. Students who wish to take history courses while on study abroad can apply to have those courses count toward their major.
Honors will be awarded to students who have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the major and whose performance has been consistently outstanding during their studies at Goucher College.
Writing proficiency in the major (WID) can be fulfilled by obtaining a minimum grade of B- in any 300-level seminar or HIS 415 .
Majors will also be expected to gain geographic breadth by taking one course in each of our three major areas: the United States, Europe, and the non-European and non-American world (Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East). Possible courses include, but are not limited to: