Goucher College 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Sep 08, 2024  
Goucher College 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.

JS 272Y - Intensive Course Abroad (1.5-3 Cr.)

(ED 272Y ) (LER-SA)

INTENSIVE COURSE ABROAD (GEN. ED. #3) Courses include a pre-departure or post-departure discussion (or both) in the fall or spring term and a three-week intensive course abroad in the winter intersession or summer.

EDUCATION IN A MULTICULTURAL ISRAELI SOCIETY (1.5-3) (ED 272Y) This course will provide fieldwork experience and lectures from the faculty of Ben Gurion University of Negev in Israel concerning education for Bedouin Arabs and Jewish immigrants from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. Spring semester/summer