Goucher College 2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Feb 05, 2025  
Goucher College 2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.

HIS 320 - Special Topics (4 Cr.)

Topic for all: The Family, Gender, and Sexuality in European History. This seminar examines the emergence of the modern nuclear family and its relationship to modern notions of sexuality and gender. One of the main objectives is to historicize these concepts. Though assumed to be primeval institutions of human culture and civilization, modern normative sexualities, gender roles, and the “nuclear family” are all relatively recent inventions. Course readings include important theoretical works on gender and sexuality in European history, as well as several monographic studies. Spring semester. Offered 2011-12 and alternate years. Beachy.