Goucher College 2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
CPEB 250 - People Problems:Lessons from Organizational Behavior (4 Cr.) (GCR Social and Behavioral Sciences area) Ever work with a difficult person? Ever been that difficult person? Organizational behavior helps us understand and influence human behavior in organizations. In this course you will master core theories and models of Organizational Behavior. You will develop skills that contribute to your effectiveness as a collaborative team member. And you will apply your knowledge and skills to address conflicts within the Goucher community. Your primary project requires collaborative problem solving thorugh creation of a comic book (or graphic novel) about conflict between students, faculty and/or staff at Goucher College.
Our goals: (1) to master objective knowlege about OBG, (2) to acquire collaborative skills, and (3) to apply knowlege and skill to a complex problem in our own community.
Students are limited to one CPE course per semester. Students who have already completed BUS 345 should not take this course as they will not receive additional credit for it. Bowen.