Mar 14, 2025
Goucher College 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
SOA 481 - Seminar: Residential Living Patterns in Baltimore & Maryland (4) This course will focus on how residential living patterns affect the lives of people in and around Baltimore, and the state of Maryland more broadly. We will examine how living patterns are affected by and correlate with race, social class, education, health, income, access to services, employment and more. Through this examination we will better inform ourselves about how the unique character of residential areas affects the way people live their lives, and affects the outcomes of the people who live there. Understanding these living patterns will also allow us to get a broad overview of inequality both in Baltimore and across the state, and how these living patterns both contribute to and help recreate inequality.
We will also focus a great deal on local culture; what makes some local cultures unique, cultural development, and perceptions of local cultures.
Through this, students can better understand the richness of local culture and subcultures (go-go music in the DC suburbs vs. house music in Baltimore and the Baltimore suburbs as one example), how living patterns and culture inform and affect one another, and begin to understand how Baltimoreans and Marylanders live their lives. We’ll also look at cultural capital, and how the value of what is learned in different communities is valued differently by schools, employers, and broader social life. Junior standing and at least one of the following: SOA 200 , SOA 201 , SOA 217 . Fall semester, every two years. Swann.