Mar 14, 2025
Goucher College 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
THE 433 - Devised Production Advanced (4 Cr.) A collaborative working experience for students interested in exploring theatre in all its dimensions-acting, designing, writing, etc. Students work together to create a new work for the stage without the benefit of a pre-existing dramatic text. Dramatic material may be drawn from current events, social issues, from non-dramatic literature or art, or from other sources. The course culminates in a public performance of the work in progress. In addition, advanced students will take on leadership roles to produce the public performance. Students should expect to spend time outside of class meetings for rehearsal and production work. Pre-requisite: THE 233 ,THE 269 or permission of the instructor. Fall semester. Program faculty.