Mar 14, 2025
Goucher College 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.
THE 213 - The World’s a Stage (4 Cr.) (WEC) All areas of theatre require strong research skills, whether from the perspective of the actor researching a role, or the designer studying an historical period, or the dramaturge uncovering the meaning in a dramatic text. Students in this course will take an in-depth look at the rich array of dramatic literature and theatre history from around the world, while also building research and communications skills. While exploring a specific area of theatre history and/or dramatic literature such as US Theatre History, Comedy, Storytelling in World Traditions, etc., and developing strategies for play reading and situating plays in context, students learn how to do effective research for the theatre: analyzing primary and secondary sources, finding credible and useful source materials, uses of textual and non-textual materials, the application of research for aesthetic purposes, and the persuasive presentation of results. Prerequisite: Either sophomore standing or a 100-level course in Theatre, or permission of the instructor. Fall semester. Free.