Goucher College 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalogue 
    Jan 14, 2025  
Goucher College 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalogue PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived catalog. Programs are subject to change each academic year.

HIS 229 - History of the Holocaust (4 Cr.)

(GCR Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies)

The Holocaust is one of the most significant historical events in our modern history. Its details are evoked by politicians, the media, historians, and international organizations. The phrase “never again” is commonly used as a warning against future genocides and an indication of the Holocaust’s place in our moral consciousness. So what exactly is the Holocaust? Who does it involve? What allowed it to take place? And how do we remember it? In this course, we begin by examining the historical roots of antisemitism, the promises of the Weimar era, and the role of eugenics. While the Third Reich began in 1933, racial, religious, and social attitudes associated with the Nazi regime did not form overnight. We will explore how policies targeting Jews, Roma and Sinti, the disabled, and gay men and women developed over time and eventually led to the destruction of these communities. Themes such as gender and sexuality, resistance/collaboration, violence, survival, and memory/denial will guide our exploration. In order to fully comprehend this complex history, we will use films, newspaper articles, first-person narratives, legal documents, and secondary sources. Recommended but not required: 12 college credits or permission of the instructor. Variable semesters. Contreras.